LFM KJ | A Draenor EU Raiding Guild
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Post  brit Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:24 am


Few ppl unsure as to the application of CH during KJ attempts. Here u go.

You can watch a lot of videos and see the shamans exclusively spamming LHW, and a lot of shamans also exclusively use chain heal. Ours use a mix, but usually about 80% chain heal. Chain heal is really strong below 55% when meteors start. The reason for that being that usually, the people that get low, are low because they are clumping. Someone gets firebloom, then a meteor spawns on them, then they move over and hit like 3 people with their firebloom to avoid the meteor. You chain heal that person and it can bounce to anyone they're hitting with their bloom.

How to handle firebloom/meteor combo 55-25%

An important thing that really helped our guild was telling people to stand on top of someone else in 55-25 if you have to move. When you think to yourself "spread out" when you have firebloom, and you get a meteor on yourself, your natural instinct is probably going to be to put yourself equidistant from about 5 players, and as a result hit them all with firebloom, which is obviously very bad. The best thing you can do when you get a firebloom and you have to move is go stand directly on top of the person next to you, that way you are only hitting one other person with it, instead of 2/3/4+. Plus, this person can then move away from you, and now you have a safe spot where you are hitting nobody.


Anyone who doesnt have a macro to kill orbs tonight will be locked in my basement with bruno the angry afghan wearing nothin but a gimp mask and fully greased up. The orbs can be targetted before they are even visible which assists the healers.

All ranged DPS should have the priority of : Orbs --> Reflections --> K'J.

Preshield Haste Breath

We will be grouping up around 3 seconds before the darkness is cast tonight to ensure we get haste breath on the full raid (except anyone with firebloom) before the explosion. As soon as the explosion goes off, (u are already stood on the "edges" of the shileld (Felmyst breath style, no jokes u cunts) u gtfo of the shield asap and spread out before KJ can possibly cast Darts/Bloom. The guy with bloom stays roughly 5 yards away from where the shield "will be" when its activated, UNTIL 4 seconds before timer expires. He/Yumiya then enter the shield. IF THE BLOOM TIMER IS INC WHEN WE CALL COLLAPSE THE ORB CONTROL WILL CALL IT SO THEN IF BLOOM ARRIVES PPL ARE MORE READY TO GTFO INSTEAD OF GETTIN BRAIN FART.


1) Get the pickup smooth. There is no excuse for adds not to stick to the paladin from the time they activate. I'm not saying they always will, but there is no excuse for when they dont. Avenger's + JoR + Misdirect-Multishot, or Consecrate + Misdirect-Multishot.
2) warrior/priest/rogue/shaman/druid adds can easily be dragged next to KJ and in range of ALL locks, so the locks can SoC the adds and damage KJ at the same time, or vice versa. hunter/paladin adds can also be dragged next to KJ, but a FAP will make it much easier. mage/lock adds will stand still, so make sure either:
...i) all locks and mages are in range of all other locks. So no matter where they spawn, the paladin does not need to move them for the locks to SoC.
..ii) all locks and mages are within melee range during the 85/55/25 transition. This has the added benefit of KJ-SoC method, and also possibly quicker/easier for the paladin to pick up the adds.

Treasure (or another better player who plays treasures pally tonight) will be stood in the middle of the room @ transitions so he is in range of reflections no matter where they spawn. If its melee reflections and one of ur shield charges hits KJ just run in and cons.


Presuming your collapse spot is roughly in the center of your raid make up, have the Paladin stand there. Create a macro that targets "Sinister Reflection" and casts his/her avenger's shield. When the reflections are about to come up, have the person call on vent their position (North, North East, etc...) and just have the Paladin swing around and mash the button. Avenger's shield will only hit 3 of the 4 reflections, so help from hunters MD's and/or taunt should help pick the other one up.


(yes dudu this tactic doesnt really require u for anything, but since treasure sucks and djulin is german and eolund is old, im gunna continue letting u do orbs + tank 1 of the reflections next to KJ)

Make sure that nobody is doing any AOE type spells once he's just about to transition. No ret pally consecrating, no DPS warrior Whirlwinding, etc.

If we get priest adds make sure u keep ur eye on KJ's buffs to remove renews from him. Also spriests close to the priests reflections shud try removing any buffs from low % reflections. Also tab dotting/tab dispell as reflections spawn is how we will deal with those SO BE ALERT IF ITS A PRIEST CALL.

Individual Mechanics
Sinister Reflections

* Priests

Focus firing and dispells are the only way you can deal with priest images. Your enhancement shaman needs to be almost chain-purging KJ if he is getting renews. PowerAuras is very helpful: configure it to show a graphic when your target is hostile and has renew up.

Shadow priests or elemental shaman need to be dispelling/purging the current image kill target, and all the ranged need to focus fire them down one by one and not split dps.

* Warriors

They whirlwind -- the raid needs to move out of their way when they are being moved.

* Paladins

These are especially dangerous sub-55% when they can stun a tank trying to move into a shield. Paladins need to be ready with cleanses for the tank in these situations. Free Action Potion will also work.

* Mage/Warlock

These can have a very high initial burst dps if you have only a single tank on them, since they do a coordinated nuke when they become active. Mages are arguably the most deadly image, since warlocks spend a lot of their time casting weak CoA's on the raid (don't spend time dispelling these on anyone except perhaps the Soul Flay tank, as they will spam them frequently.)

* Druids

They cast moonfire on the raid. As with the CoA from the warlocks, don't worry about dispelling it, they'll just spam it again.

* Hunters

They will wingclip the tank, so use BoFreedom/Free Action Potion as necessary.

* Shaman

Earthshock casters within 20'. It may be an option to move, depending on your strategy and position.

* Images at 25%

We choose to kill all images at 25%, but it's certainly an option to simply offtank them. We kill them because it means there's no chance of the image tank dying at 5% and them ripping through the raid and wiping us (this has happened when we were too slow to kill them.)

In case u were wondering wazup and havent had chance to read up or find out why/how these are happening this is for u.

There are actually 2 knockbacks, one is attached directly to his melee attack and theres another one if u go too close to the centre of his hitbox while hes not casting shadowspike.

I am gunna be changing positioning so that when u get knock back u aint gettin knocked into a firebloom guy. (naturally, see position)

Dragon Orb Controller

KJ write up STUDY ME U USELESS FUCKING NIGGERS Kj-dragon-pet-bar

Example pet bar.
There are four dragon abilities:

* 1 - Blink - teleports caster 20 yards forwards (similar to mage blink, but without a cooldown and a bit laggier at the start)
* 2 - Breath: Revitalize - 13-yard cone in front of the dragon
* 3 - Breath: Haste - 13-yard cone in front of the dragon
* 5 - Shield of the Blue - 12-yard-radius circle around the dragon

How to use Bloodlust

Bloodlust needs some slightly careful handling on this fight: Bloodlust can overwrite Breath:Haste. However Breath:Haste cannot overwrite bloodlust. This means it's vitally important to be careful how and when you use Bloodlust.

While learning, you can use Bloodlust to get through a phase and get experience in the next phase. We found it extremely useful, for example, to get ourselves practice in the 55% phase while we were still working out the tactics for the fight.

Once you are experienced at the fight however, you will want to use it at 55%. Due to the stacking issues, however, it's important that your shaman do not cast it too late.

We have our shaman go on raid leader call at 56% and that ensures that lust will have expired by the time the dragon is casting haste on the raid again. (If your raid DPS is good, you may have as much as 10-15 seconds left on Breath:Haste at this point. That's fine, the important thing is to have lust up early enough so it is expired by the time the breath gets cast again.)

Fire elementals
These shud be used @ 55% UNLESS! ur reflections are warriors, in this case save them till 25%

Have KJ as your Focus

One of the biggest tricks we found was having everyone, even healers, have KJ as their target or their /focus and have the *cast bar* for their target/focus *big* and very visible.

To get into the shield you need to be watching for the cast time, not the graphic. To catch a late Fire Bloom during a shield collapse, you react faster if you see his cast and you don't wait for the graphic or "oh dear people seem to be dying, perhaps I have fire bloom." Knowing that darts is casting. Knowing he just started a Soul Flay so nothing bad will happen for three seconds. etc.

This may involve rearranging your UI so you can have a big, clear cast bar for your focus target (or your target) but it's worth it.

This can also be a critical boon to a feral tank, as it allows you to cast Faerie Fire on KJ without having to actually select him, something that can be very troublesome with the amount of mobs potentially targettable. A simple /cast Faerie Fire(Feral) [target=focus] will accomplish a rather dramatic increase to your physical DPS.

Positioning before anyone says "but but we know positions", yes...true to form, ours suck.


Ignore the S WH W cba removing them.

1: DPS warrior - G1
2, 23: Rogue stack - G1
3: Enh Shammy - G1
4: Feral Druid - G2
5: Rogue/Melee DPS G1
6: Pally/Healer - G4
7: Pally/Healer - G5
8: Coh Priest/Healer - G5
9: Resto Druid/Healer - G5
10: Resto Shammy - G2 (Guy in Centre of G2 for ch / coh efficiency)
11: Coh Priest/Healer - G4
12: Resto Shammy - G4
13: Spriest/Mage - G4
14: Hunter/mage - G2
15: Hunter/Mage - G2
16: Spriest - G2
17: Warlock - G3
18: Ele Shammy -G3
19: Warlock - G3
20: Warlock - G3
21: Warlock - G3
22: Whatever we can get someone to play
24: Prot Pally - G5
25: Prot Warrior - G5

Group Assignments and numbers are subject to change for 1 of 2 reasons: Dickheads dont show up - or when i actually put those groups together iv made mistakes and they make zero fuckin sense, in which case ill blame veire.

Iv tried my best to make it correct taking into account buff ranges etc. - for example Enh shammy UR = 20 yards, same for battleshout so iv put rogues in the middle, but watch ur ranges - iv also made sure the feral druid is further south to accomodate range for hunters + given all groups sensible shamans where possible - IF IV MISSED ANYTHIN LET ME KNOW COS I CANT BE RIGHT ALL THE TIME.


Patch History
2.4.3 (7 July 2008)

* Nether Protection will now correctly trigger from Kil’jaeden’s Shield Orb Shadow Bolts.
* Vanish now correctly wipes threat on Kil’jaeden.
* Sinister Reflections are now interruptible.
* Sinister Reflections on Hunters now use normal Wing Clip instead of Improved Wing Clip.
* Kil’jaeden will now wait slightly longer before casting Flame Dart after casting Darkness of a Thousand Souls.


* Soul flay is now cast on the highest aggro target

Other news: My favourite quote discovered during research: "Wait wait, you MOVED AWAY from the fire? That's cheating!"


Posts : 49
Join date : 2008-07-27

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